@DATABASE AKCC_Documentation @WIDTH 80 ## For reading this file you may use : ## Program-Name available at ## - ShowHyp (e.g. coming with GadToolsBox V2.0c) ## - Hyper (AmigaLibDisks) ## - AmigaGuide (various Packages) ## - MultiView (Workbench) @NODE MAIN "AKCC V3.6 : Documentation" AKCC V3.6 - POSTCARDWARE - 1990-95 by Andreas R. Kleinert. All rights reserved. This program has been written under OS V3.00 and is therefore fully compatible. It needs OS V1.2+. This program needs 'akcc_gen0.library' V37+ in LIBS. Supports whatis.library V1+, which is (C)1990,1992 by Sylvain Rouger and Pierre Carette. Release Date : 8.8.1995 @{"Copyright" LINK Copyright} @{"Disclaimer" LINK Disclaimer} @{"Distribution" LINK Distribution} @{"Function" LINK Function} @{"Installation" LINK Installation} @{"Correspondence" LINK Correspondence} @{"Usage" LINK Usage} @{"Command Summary" LINK CommandSummary} @{"Additional Information" LINK AdditionalInformation} @{"Known Bugs" LINK KnownBugs} @{"History" LINK History} @{"More Copyrights" LINK MoreCopyrights} @ENDNODE @NODE "Copyright" The program AKCC V3.6 and its documentation files are (C)opyright 1990-95 by Andreas R. Kleinert. All rights reserved. This program is POSTCARDWARE. Send the author a postcard to his snail mail address, if you like and use this program or you'd like something to criticize. whatis.library V1+ is (C)1990,1992 by Sylvain Rouger and Pierre Carette. @ENDNODE @NODE "Disclaimer" The author takes no responsibility for any results of the use of this program. This software is provided "AS IS" and there is no warranty of any kind, so that you use this software at your own risk. @ENDNODE @NODE "Distribution" The program AKCC V3.6 is freely distributable (POSTCARDWARE). You may copy it, if the copyright notice is left intact and all of its parts are included in the distribution. But it is explicitely allowed, e.g. to put the AKCC-Commands onto Disk-Magazines or PD-Series, as long as there is a remark about the author, the copyright and the used version of AKCC. This program must not be included in commercial packages or commercial program collections without my written permission. This program must not be sold in any way, but it is allowed to take a nominal fee including the costs for copying. This program may be put on public domain disks or included in public domain disk libraries. Special permission hereby goes to Fred Fish's AmigaLib-Disks and the german series TAIFUN, FRANZ, TIME, GPD and Amiga Szene. This program may also be distributed via electronic mail and may be put into mailboxes as long as the redistribution conditions are respected in all points. By using or distributing this program you automatically agree to all of the above conditions and terms. @ENDNODE @NODE "Function" AKCC V3.6 is a packet of CLI-/Shell-Commands for the Amiga, which is intended to make working with the AMIGA, especially for experienced users and programmers, but also beginners, somewhat easier. AKCC is intended to be additionally used with other existing CLI-/Shell- Packets (e.g. with those from ARP or Commodore). There are as well programs which just replace similar ones, as well as programs, which are completely new. @ENDNODE @NODE "Installation" Use the supplied Installer-Script to install AKCC. If you do not own "Installer" yet, you have to install AKCC by yourself : Copy the AKCC Commands to C: or any other search-path and install "akcc_gen0.library" to LIBS:. Perhaps it would be useful to create the "ENV:" directory, if not already done (OS 1.2 users). Also stack-size should be placed on a relatively high level to allow recursive operations when handling wildcards. Last not least : All of the commands can be made memory-resident with the corresponding CLI/Shell-Command (p-flag already set). @ENDNODE @NODE "Correspondence" Send donations, bug reports, ideas, etc. to the following address : Andreas R. Kleinert, Grube Hohe Grethe 23, D-57074 Siegen, Germany. Phone: +49-271-331859 (weekdays after 18.00h) +49-271-332147 (weekdays after 18.00h) EMail: Fido Andreas Kleinert 2:2457/435.10 Usenet/InterNet Andreas_Kleinert@superview.ftn.sub.org Andreaskleinert@n2usx.sauerland.de If nothing else works, try one of these Fido-InterNet gateways: Andreas_Kleinert@p10.f435.n2457.z2.fido.sub.org (in Germany) Andreas_Kleinert@p10.f435.n2457.z2.fidonet.org (USA or other) When reporting any bugs, please don't forget to include a detailed description of the bug and tell me, if it is reproduceable or not. Please also mention the version number of SIP you used and describe your system configuration (Amiga model 500/1000/.../4000-040, Kickstart/OS, RAM, HardDisk, special configurations). @ENDNODE @NODE "Usage" Each single 'AKCC'-Command prints out a short desrciption of itself, when it is started with a single '?' as its only parameter. This description always looks like this : 'USAGE : x [...]' The same thing happens, if a command was used wrong, but only if it has not been used TOO WRONG ... @ENDNODE @NODE "CommandSummary" AboutCLI AD * CheckExec Comment * DateAct Display DosRequest Duplic * EnvAct ExecDevs ExecIRupts ExecLibs * ExecMem ExecPorts ExecRes ExecSems ExecTasks ExtShow * FullPath HunkShow KAssign * Kill * KillTask * KInfo KScroller LED Move * NewDir NewName PrefSet PriSet * ProSet * Show * Texter WinAct Commands marked with a '*' support WildCards ('*'/'?'/'#?') and/or the recursive method of working on directories (option '-a'). Under OS V2.04+ the normal DOS-WildCards are ADDITIONALLY supported (inclusive WildStar, e.g. "(Hello#?|World*)" ). A more detailed ListUp : AboutCLI -> (gives information about some preferences of the (current) CLI : Stacksize, Prompt, Path, ...) AD -> (changes the current directory. WildCards and Backward- References possible.) CheckExec -> (shows some values of the 'ExecBase' and checks some vectors to avoid viruses. Is also able to show Boot-Blocks. Printer output possible.) Comment -> (adds remarks to a file. WildCards.) DateAct -> (shows or sets the actual system-time and -date. Is also able to read/write the Realtime-Clock MSM 6242 B - e.g. inside the Amiga 500 Plus.) Display -> (displays the content of a file on the Screen or a (virtual) device (e.g. PRT:, CON:, SER:, ...), or into an other file. Supports octal and hexadecimal printing and source-code generation.) Duplic -> (copies files/dirs.) EnvAct -> (is able to manage all affairs with environment- variables in an easy and quick way.) ExecLibs -> (informs about all resident/deletes/loads libraries.) ExecMem -> (shows free memory. The special : Is able to write the result into an environment variable !!!) ExecSems -> (informs about all resident semaphores.) ExecRes -> (informs about all resident resources.) ExecIRupts -> (informs about all resident interrupts.) ExecDevs -> (informs about all resident devices.) ExecPorts -> (informs about all resident ports.) ExecTasks -> (informs about all active tasks.) ExtShow -> (shows a directory, protection bits, date and comment. With special functions under OS V2.04+.) FullPath -> (Sets a completely new list of paths, which have to be searched for commands. Parameter is the name of a file, which contains this list. As a result of this, the order, in which the paths have to searched is exactly defined. Also single paths may be added or removed.) HunkShow -> (shows the HUNKS of a program or object-file and recognizes IFF-files of all kinds, also other kinds of files.) KAssign -> (manages assignments. With special functions under OS V2.04+.) Kill -> (deletes files/dirs.) KillTask -> (deletes one (or many) task(s) from the system's lists. With WildCard-Support !!!.) KInfo -> (gives Information of all mounted Volumes, e.g. Disks or RAM-Disks.) LED -> (turns the Audio-Filter (PowerLED) on or off.) Move -> ('moves' files/dir from one device/dir to an other. Copies the Source, then deletes it => combination of 'Kill' and 'Duplic'.) NewName -> (renames files/dirs.) NewDir -> (creates a new directory or a complete new path : e.g. 'df0:Texts/Letters/Private'.) ProSet -> (sets new protection bits for a file [from : hsparwed].) PriSet -> (changes the priority of a task/process via name- reference. WildCards !!!.) PrefSet -> (allows to change some of the system's preferences [e.g. key repeat delay and speed], either via a sim- ple 'menu' or via command line arguments.) Show -> (shows a directory.) Texter -> (prints out a text on the screen OR on a parallel printer. options : normal, bold, underlined, italic, reverse, free lines) All the styles and more things are to control via codes like those in 'C' (e.g. '\I', '\B', '\C=0,1') Uses for parallel printing 'PRT:' or, if 'PRT:' not available, 'PAR:'.) WinAct -> (sizes the active window to PAL-, NTSC- or the biggest possible size, or brings it just to a wished X/Y-size (everything possible). Also can move the window into the left, top corner of the screen or give it a new title.) @ENDNODE @NODE "AdditionalInformation" - NewDir ---> NewDir also creates complete paths (recursive), so that con- structions like 'RAM:tmp/comp/txt/1' etc. are also legal ! One command suffices ! - Texter ---> All the styles are combineable (for the printer as well as for the screen). - PrefSet ---> - Be careful by changing the 'KEY...'-values !!! - Manipulations on the TOPAZ-charset only becomes important, if a new window is opened. - KillTask ---> Be careful by killing any tasks/processes (especially System-Tasks). @ENDNODE @NODE "KnownBugs" - 'AD' : Some Shells, like the OS-2.04+-Shell, or the 'WShell', which shows the current directory in the title bar of the window or in the prompt of the command-line, don't examine the changes made by 'AD'. -> Fixing : WShell : Don't use the shell, live with it, or turn its special function off. OS V2.04+ : Well, in this OS-Version the Command 'CD' is resident (in ROM), so you don't need AKCC's 'AD'. - 'CheckExec FORMAT' : Does not seem to be fully free of bugs yet. Sorry ! (For KNOWN BUGS of the 'akcc_gen0.library', see 'akcc_gen0.library.doc' !) @ENDNODE @NODE "History" V3.6 : (08.08.1995) ------ - recompiled using SAS/C V6.55 - Library code now saves A1 when opening/closing - Commands: - HunkShow now uses "whatis.library" (by Sylvain Rouger and Pierre Carette) for file examination, if available (otherwise default code). Object and Exe-Files will still be examined by the internal code, then. The Library is available in 1.3 and 2.04 versions. - changed status from SHAREWARE to POSTCARDWARE V3.5 : (30.12.1994) ------ - use of SAS/C V6.51 - Versioncounting slightly changed - changed many doc-files, dir-structures and more - fixed several bugs (some commands) - removed/changed some function calls for all commands : - removed CXBREAK replacement : was never executed - replaced "_exit" call with plain "exit" : makes no difference, anyway V3.03 : (12.02.1994) ------- - use of SAS/C V6.5 - Bugs fixed : - KInfo : - bug-fix in memory delocation V3.02 : (01.11.1993) ------- - enhanced V3.0.1 (unreleased) - Versioncounting changed - akcc_gen0.library V37+ is needed by some commands - Bugs fixed : - ExecPorts : - SignalBit-Values were always wrong - ExtShow : - bug-fix in memory delocation under OS V2.04+ V3.0.0 : (05.09.1993) -------- - Bugs fixed : - ExecMem, CheckExec : - memory values / addresses were not correct (changed / removed) - Show, ExtShow - bug-fix in "akcc_gen0.library" - improved some commands : KAssign, KInfo, ExtShow, Show, DosRequest V2.2.0 : (30.05.1993) -------- - improved some commands : AboutCLI, ExecLibs, ExecDevs, ExecRes, ExecTasks, HunkShow V2.1.2 : -------- - improved KillTask (BREAK-Option) and HunkShow. - Bug-fixes in the akcc_gen0.library (see its doc-file) [ some releases ] V2.1.1 : -------- - use of SAS/C V6.00 - sometimes GREAT code-reduction - many enhancements and bug-fixes (ExecDevs, ExecSems, CheckExec, ...) V2.0.1 : -------- - Bugs fixed : - FullPath : - Now also under OS V2.04 runable bug-free (because of bug-fix in "akcc_gen0.library"). - especially improved commands : - ExecDevs : Now same options as ExecLibs. - AboutCLI : "Optical" improvements. - AND MORE IMPROVEMENTS V1.7.1 : -------- - Bugs fixed : - ExecRes : - Known bug hopefully now fixed. - HunkShow : - many bugs have been fixed. - connected (or 'integrated') commands : Integrated program Former single programs KAssign (added KAssign-2) ExtShow (added ExtShow-2) - especially improved commands : - Display : Now also creates Assembler- or C-Source out of a File. ("dc.b"-field / BYTE-Array). - HunkShow : Now also recognizes "RIFF-????"-Files. - CheckExec : - Is now also able to format disks. - SAFE check WHICH DiskDrive ! - AND MANY MORE IMPROVEMENTS V1.6.2 : -------- - Use of "akcc_gen0.library" V36.7 with more functions. - Bugs fixed : - CheckExec,DateAct : - ExtIO-Structure was not delocated. - FullPath : - Heavy bug fixed. - especially improved commands : - AboutCLI, CheckExec, ... : - Output has been improved (less routine-calls). - Exec... : - improved Text-Formatting. (ExecRes : bug fixed.) - HunkShow : Recognizes much more File-Types. The routines for recognition have also been improved. [ Version-History of versions before V1.6.2 is no longer included. ] @ENDNODE @NODE "MoreCopyrights" Some of the mentioned names or products above may be copyrighted by companies or trademarks of companies. @ENDNODE